learning game senses game auditory game feeling game
Warning. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small parts. Choking risk.
Game instructions language:
German French English Spanish Italian Dutch
Number of players up to:
4 persons
Game duration from:
20 min
Number of players from:
2 persons
Game duration up to:
30 min
Age to:
99 years
Age from:
4 years
Product weight:
1.14 kg
Metal, Cardboard, Polyester, Wood, Cork
Young Native Americans are preparing for their first sense-awareness trial. Sipokoo, the wise owl, guides the young Natives in mastering a wide variety of tasks, sharpening their senses. Where exactly is the bell? What figures can you identify with only your fingers? Which two bags are equally heavy? The game box includes everything you need for basic games exploring hearing, seeing and feeling. Later on, household items can supplement the games related to smelling and tasting. 遊戲人數:2-4人適合年齡:4歲以上遊戲時間:約20-30分 年輕的美國原住民正在為他們的第一次意識感知試驗做準備。智慧的貓頭鷹Sipokoo指導年輕的土著完成各種各樣的任務,增強他們的感官。鐘到底在哪裡?您僅用手指就能識別出哪些數字?哪兩個袋子同樣重?遊戲盒包含基本遊戲探索聽覺、視覺和感覺所需的一切。玩家亦可以利用家用物品,補充與嗅覺和味覺有關的遊戲。
1 game board, 1 Sipokoo, the wise owl (wooden figure), 10 wooden figures (bear, eagle, cat, wolf, chicken, rabbit, snake, squirrel, hand, horse), 1 die, 1 large cloth bag, 6 small cloth bags, 4 character cards, 32 trial tiles (green, yellow and red), 20 feathers, 10 game cards “outlines” (yellow-backed), 10 game cards “double outline” (purple-backed), 6 cork balls, 6 glass balls, 1 little bell with cord (tie on before the first game), 1 set of game instructions.
Short game instructions:• Place game board in the center. Place the test tiles with the green edge (in the basic game) face-up around it. Info: Depending on the degree of difficulty, the tests require active preparation by the children. The tests involve all forms of sensory perception and can be changed individually. • One character card per player. Sort the playing cards according to their reverse side and lay them out as face-down decks. Place Sipokoo on any test tile. Fill cloth pouch with wooden figures or cork and glass balls. • Play in a clockwise direction. Roll die and move with Sipokoo the number on the die in any direction. Jump in the case of sun symbol with Sipokoo to any tile. • Deal with the sensory test on the corresponding test tile (e.g.: feel the figures, determine smells, describe natural materials). The player and, where applicable, also the other players receive a feather for each test passed. • The first player to collect five feathers wins.
*Rules in English 內含英文說明書
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